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Mandy Nix
How to Handle Sugar Cravings
Sugar consumption has increased by more than 30 percent since then 1970s in adults and more than 20 percent for children. The World...
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Mandy Nix
How to Prevent Healthy Food Burnout
It can become easy to get in a rut of planning and cooking the same healthy meals repeatedly. I have been guilty of this and it can lead...
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Mandy Nix
Favorite Health Food Products
When you need a quick snack, convenience meal, or just crave a treat, there are many healthier options available that won’t disrupt your...
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Mandy Nix
Healthier Versions of Comfort Foods
When you think of winter comfort foods you may envision high-fat and high-calorie foods. However, healthier versions of some of your...
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Mandy Nix
Baby’s First Foods, Healthy Habits
We welcomed our third child, a sweet baby girl, in May. She is now 6 months old, and we will begin to introduce solids soon. This is a...
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Mandy Nix
Adaptogens to Help Your Body Cope with Stress
Hippocrates said it best, “Let food be thy Medicine,” and adaptogens are foods that can do just that. Adaptogens are edible plants and...
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Mandy Nix
Healthy Baking Recipes
I don’t know about you guys, but during this quarantine time I have been spending more time in the kitchen. My kids and I have been...
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Mandy Nix
Single-Serving Healthy Desserts Can Satisfy Sweet Tooth
Are there times when you just crave a dessert, but do not feel like baking an entire cake or batch of cookies? Or do you just need...
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Mandy Nix
Choose Fat-Burning Foods
Are there such foods as fat-burning foods? Yes. Adding fat-burning foods to your diet can help boost your metabolism, promote fullness...
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Mandy Nix
Why Diet Soda is Harmful
Soda drinkers may feel like they’re making a better choice when they reach for diet soda, but research shows that diet soda does more...
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Mandy Nix
A guide to choosing the right oils
There are so many oils available today, how do you know which one to choose? Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there...
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Mandy Nix
How to make healthy foods, healthier
Ahealthy diet is the best thing you can do for disease prevention, wellness and for a better quality of life. To amp it up a notch, check...
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Mandy Nix
Surprising foods that are bad for diabetics
There are many foods that have been marketed and perceived as “healthier” options, especially for diabetics. Check out these foods that...
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Mandy Nix
The importance of fat in your diet
Do you still reach for the margarine instead of the butter at the grocery store? For decades, many health organizations have convinced...
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Mandy Nix
Modern Flour vs. Ancient Grains
Humans have been consuming wheat for thousands of years, so it would seem that it is a safe food, right? Unfortunately, our modern grain...
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Mandy Nix
The Nutritional Power of Dandelions
Did you know those dreaded weeds in your yard actually have major health benefits? Dandelions have been used for centuries for the...
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Mandy Nix
Healthy Way to Drink Coffee
Your morning cup of Joe may be detrimental to your diet if you are drinking coffee in an unhealthy way. Coffee consumption is a sticky...
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Mandy Nix
Tips for low iron
Have you been told by your doctor that you have low iron? Iron deficiency is a very common disease, but can be easily prevented. It is...
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Mandy Nix
Benefits of Fire Cider
Fire cider is an old health tonic that has become popular for its immune boosting benefits and as a detox. If you are a fan of taking...
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