Your morning cup of Joe may be detrimental to your diet if you are drinking coffee in an unhealthy way. Coffee consumption is a sticky topic, and you will find research on why coffee is bad for you and other research stating that in moderation, coffee can be a healthy part of any diet.
Moderate coffee consumption can safe and even beneficial for some people, but may be problematic for others, it just depends on your individual biochemistry as well as the quality of the coffee, how you prepare it, and how much of it you drink. Coffee has been shown to have some positive health impacts including lowing your risk for Alzheimer’s disease.
If you enjoy coffee, there are steps in making your coffee a healthy addition to your morning routine. Check out the following tips for drinking your coffee:
» Timing. The best time to drink coffee is between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. according to some experts. Coffee first thing in the morning is a common American tradition. However, waiting a few hours after getting out of bed could make your coffee habit healthier. Cortisol levels are highest at certain times throughout the day, and first thing in the morning is one of the peak cortisol times. When we let our bodies depend on caffeine to produce cortisol then the body ends up producing less cortisol and relying more on caffeine to compensate. This also increases a person’s tolerance to caffeine because you are replacing your cortisone “boost” with caffeine.
» Amount. Too much of anything can be harmful. Studies show that up to 300-400 milligrams (approximately 3-4 cups) of coffee can be safe for most individuals. However, if you drink over 4 cups of coffee daily, then this could lead to negative health consequences.
» Listen to your body. If coffee leads to negative reactions for you such as headaches, anxiety, insomnia, reflux, rapid heartbeat or upset stomach then you should avoid it. Coffee is not beneficial for everyone, and our bodies let us know when a food or drink is problematic.
» Purchase healthy, safe coffee varieties. Cheap coffee is cheap for a reason. Cheaper coffee varieties cost less because they use poor quality beans and they allow a higher percentage of damaged (moldy) beans. Cheap coffees are also grown with the use of pesticides and fungicides. Choose organic coffee when possible. This helps assure the beans are free from pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. Decaffeinated coffee is processed using chemicals, I would recommend skipping decaff coffee, and choosing herbal teas.
» Add nutritional benefits. Coffee is an easy way to add in some nutritional benefits. Mushroom coffee is the latest nutrition craze. The chaga mushroom contains antioxidants, has anit-viral abilities, has been shown to reduce inflammation and can help boost the immune system. Check out the brand Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee. Try tossing in some of your favorite fresh herbs and spices into your ground coffee. Some of my favorite herb combinations include cinnamon, mint and cardamom. Add healthy fats by adding coconut oil and ghee to your coffee. You can purchase bulletproof coffee which has added healthy fats or make your own using this recipe from
1 cup brewed organic coffee 1 tsp or more coconut oil 1 TBSP organic grass-fed unsalted butter ¼ tsp vanilla extract few drops of stevia extract (optional) Put all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Mix on high speed for 20 seconds until frothy. Drink immediately and enjoy all the energy. Skip the processed creamers and sugar. Instead of sugar-loaded flavored creamers and sugar, try unsweetened almond milk with a dash of coco and stevia. » Avoid bleached paper filters. Bleached filters have been whitened usually with the use of chlorine. Paper filters are bleached for purely cosmetic reasons. Paper is naturally brown; therefore, the unbleached filters are minimal processed. An alternative to using coffee filters is a French Press. A French press does not require paper filters and retains more of the natural oils from the coffee grounds. Paper filters absorb much of the oil in your coffee grounds. » Start with water. If you choose to drink coffee, always start your day with water before coffee. Our bodies are usually dehydrated after fasting all night. It is best to start your day with water to hydrate, coffee only dehydrates further. Water also helps to jump start your metabolism and digestion opposed to coffee. Drinking a couple glasses of water to allow the body to rehydrate allows for better digestion. Adding lemon to your morning water can help stimulate your liver to produce bile as well.