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Nutritional Testing

Green Goodness
Herbal Medicine

Food Sensitivity Testing

Food Sensitivity Testing- MRT

Is your food making you sick?

Food sensitivities are much more common than food allergies. Millions of Americans suffer from food sensitivities and are often directly related to specific immune reactions to the foods we eat. Conditions include:

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • Migraine & Other Headaches

  • Fibromyalgia Heartburn/GERD

  • Arthritis Joint & Muscle Pain

  • Eczema/Hives

  • Weight Imbalances

  • Autism/ADD

Check out this video on MRT Food Sensitivity Testing


Check out this sample report

Micronutrient Testing

Micronutrient testing shows any borderline deficiencies & deficiencies that may be present. 

With this information, I can create a targeted supplementation plan to replete deficiencies that can make the difference between disease and optimal health.


Check out this video on Micronutrient testing


With micronutrient testing, we test for:


Click here


Check out this sample report



Woman in Pain

Gut Health Testing

GI Effects is a comprehensive assessment of complete gut health, assessing the root cause of most GI complaints.

You can eat the best diet and use supplements but if you aren’t absorbing, metabolizing, or utilizing the nutrients then it leaves you susceptible to illness and imbalance. Functional stool testing allows us to verify how well your digestion is working, or if you have a bacterial or fungal infection interfering with your ability to use your food properly.


Check out this video describing the GI test


Check out this sample report


Hormone Testing

Hormones are needed to regulate many of the systems in your body, so when your hormones are imbalanced, it can make you feel not-so-great and could lead to long-term health problems.

Hormonal imbalance can cause a variety of symptoms and ailments.

Some common symptoms of hormonal issues include fatigue, inability to lose weight, acne, painful or irregular periods, fertility struggles, sleep troubles, and mood swings or irritability.  

Check out this video on details of DUTCH hormone testing

Check out this sample report

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